The MCU Ranked by The Movie Guy

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is now one of the
biggest franchises all over the globe and it is not stopping now. After the
releases of Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War and Captain Marvel, the
franchise proved they still had so much more to offer their fans.
Black Panther made not only made history because
of its mostly black cast or box office success, but also because it gave the
MCU more depth. It proved that there are many corners of the MCU that can still
be explored and I am certainly looking forward to it.
Infinity War pushed things to the next level
and it proved that although these characters are super powered, but they aren’t
all invulnerable.
The cinematic universe spans over 21 movies, 11
TV shows and it has been ten years since it all started.
I once again had to rearrange my MCU rankings
after Captain Marvel, because let’s face it, new movies can easily win us over.
Now you might not agree with my list, but it is just my opinion. There are
various other rankings on the internet.
I will also take this time to rank the MCU TV
shows, please note this will exclude animated shows and Marvel shows produced
by Fox. I would however recommend you watch the The Gifted and Legion, both are
excellent shows. Without further ado, here are my rankings.
21. The Incredible Hulk
I love the Hulk, he is one of the characters I
fell in love with as a child. To me the CGI in this film was really realistic,
but that is the only thing I remember about the movie. It just does not hold up
with the other MCU films. I really liked Edward Norton, but I think Mark
Ruffalo was the best recast ever.
20. Thor: The Dark World
This is another movie that broke records or it
was more like a broken record. It is like a repeat of other fantasy films, it
had no real substance. The greatest part of the film was Tom Hiddleston as
Loki, definitely a scene stealer. I actually think it might still be watchable
just because of him.
19. Iron Man 2
Robert Downey Jr is hands down the best casting
choice Marvel Studios has ever made. Unfortunately Iron Man 2 falls flat on its
face. I only remember Tony having a drinking problem and the rest of the film
is a blank.
18. Thor
This is an origin movie that is memorable, but
not particularly great. The first time I watched it was on a plane and to be
honest I kind of fell asleep near the end. Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston
did an amazing job, but the story was not that good at all.
17. Captain Marvel
The MCU’s first female solo movie is a fun
addition to the bigger interconnected universe, but it simply does not live up
to most of its predecessors. Fans weren’t happy about the overall story and
changes made to their favourite comic book characters. But the film was a hit
for others and I was just happy to see a powerful heroine join the ranks of Thor,
Iron Man, Hulk and Black Panther.
16. Iron Man 3
The only reason this movie is so low is because
of the Mandarin let down. In my honest opinion I was looking forward to seeing
Ben Kingsley as one of my favourite villains, but Marvel let me down. I enjoyed
the overall story, but the actual villain was forgettable.
15. Captain America: The First Avenger
I am not an American patriot, but I love
Captain America. He stands for everything I believe in and Chris Evans
completely embodies that. The film was a great origin story and an awesome war
story. The biggest let-down of the movie was not giving Red Skull more,
character development, but luckily Infinity War kind of fixed that.
14. Ant-Man and The Wasp
The Ant-Man sequel gives us our first look at
The Wasp and it gives the MCU another badass heroine for little girls to look
up to. It also gives us a better look at the Quantum Realm, which will
hopefully play a bigger role in future in future MCU movies.
13. The Avengers: Age of Ultron
I remember how excited I was to see Ultron make
his way to the silver screen and James Spader’s voice certainly did him justice.
The movie looked great on paper; unfortunately it did not come out that great
on screen. It was still awesome to see all the Avengers assemble again.
12. Ant-Man
One of the most obscure film’s Marvel Studios
has ever made and it was definitely a success in my opinion. Paul Rudd brought
different kind of comedy to the MCU and it turned out to be one of the movies
we never knew we needed.
11. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
James Gunn took his weird space opera to
another part of the universe and it was hilarious. Seeing a planet take the
role of a villain was just something spectacular, unfortunately it was not as
good as the original.
10. Doctor Strange
Our wishes came true and we finally saw
Benedict Cumberbatch as the Sorceror Supreme. The film was a typical superhero
story, but it was executed perfectly. The film was the perfect mix of action,
psychedelic sequences and humour.
9. Black Panther
This movie gave me the opportunity to
experience Africa in a way I never did before. As a son of the Motherland I
love how we were represented in the movie. Black Panther started a superhero
revolution and I cannot wait to see what is next.
8. Iron Man
The film that started it all, the origin of all
the Avengers Initiative and it is a true story of redemption. I was not sure
where I should place it, because it is hands down one of the greatest, but it
paved the way for even greater films.
7. Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spidey finally met up with the other guys and
now he got to take in his place in the MCU. This is the best Spidey film since
Spider-Man 2 and Tom Holland embodies both the titular character and his
6. Guardians of the Galaxy
This is the movie that proved that we all love
aliens and humans interacting. James Gunn most probably inspired a new
generation of filmmakers with this movie. It was ground-breaking and really
5. Avengers: Infinity War
The movie that brought together the Avengers,
the Guardians and all the other MCU characters is really something spectacular.
It proved how interconnected these films really are, but not all characters got
their chance to shine. The films ending was also a big shocker, but it is
nonetheless one of the best in the MCU. The movie has been ten years in the
making and it was worth the wait.
4. Avengers
This is the movie that got most of us hooked to
the MCU. It proved that an interconnected movie universe was possible and it
can be awesome at the same time. Seeing my favourite childhood actors join
forces was just AWESOME!
3. Captain America: Winter Soldier
This movie redefined the superhero genre and it
proved that it can be more than just heroes and villains fighting. The story
and each character fit perfectly into the setting and I love watching it over
and over again.
2. Thor: Ragnarok
I never knew I would love Thor as much as I
love him now. Ragnarok gave Chris Hemsworth a reason to shine and in a funny
way. Teaming up with Hulk was the best way forward and Taika Waititi is one of
the best directors ever.
1. Captain America: Civil War

There you go; my rankings for the MCU. Check
out my TV show rankings below.
11. Inhumans
10. Iron
9. The Defenders
8. Luke Cage
7. Cloak and Dagger
6. Agent
5. The
4. Jessica
3. Runaways
2. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
1. Daredevil
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